
New: Murmuration — Poems by Cathleen Cohen (Moonstone Arts Center, 2024)

Available for purchase at Moonstone Arts Center

Sparks and Disperses by Cathleen Cohen (Cornerstone Press, 2021)

Available for purchase at Cornerstone Press

Etching the Ghost by Cathleen Cohen (Atmosphere Press, 2021)
Available for purchase at Amazon | Barnes and Noble | Goodreads | IndieBound

Camera Obscura by Cathleen Cohen (Moonstone Publishing, 2017) available at Moonstone Arts Center

Affinities: Paintings and Poems by Cathleen Cohen (Blurb, 2014)

Available for purchase at Blurb


Ritualwell Family Portrait by Cathleen Cohen

Mad Poets Society Ekphrasis: Poems and Art Noctuelles and Cat and Warbler — by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell During Elul by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Salvage by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell Don't Name What You're Painting by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell Purim by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell Light and Shadow by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell When Sorrow Comes by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Is this Hope? by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Mirrors by Cathleen Cohen
Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle Etrog (For R’Micah Weiss and for David) by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Kol Nidre by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell At My Birthday Party by Cathleen Cohen

ONE ART Two Poems — Snakes and Tethered — by Cathleen Cohen

Minyan Magazine Comfort O Comfort by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Murmuration by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell Till It and Tend It by Cathleen Cohen
Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle Eve Visits Our Synagogue’s Art Exhibit by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell Vayeshev: Seen From Afar by Cathleen Cohen

Healing Verse Poetry Line 1-855-POEMRX2 (1-855-763-6792, week of December 26, 2022) My Grandchild and I Dream on the Couch by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Let All That Breathes by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Modah Ani, Painting by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Modim by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell To Arrive in This Moment by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Not in This World or in the Next by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Count Her: Poem for Counting the Omer by Cathleen Cohen

Solstice Blue by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell This Fragile Moment: Breaking the Middle Matzah by Cathleen Cohen

Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle Freedom by Cathleen Cohen

The New Verse News Afterimage by Cathleen Cohen

Minyan Magazine Lech Lecha by Cathleen Cohen

River Heron Review Issue 5.1 There Are Signs by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Source: Yitro by Cathleen Cohen

Autumn Sky Poetry Daily Signs by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Vayekhi: Words by Cathleen Cohen

ONE ART She Named This Drawing for Me by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Prayer for the Glasgow Summit 2021 by Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell Eve Returns by Cathleen Cohen

Poetica Magazine Bingo Night by Cathleen Cohen

Glass Poetry Press Cathleen Cohen Review of These Few Seeds by Meghan Sterling

Coffin Bell Volume 4 Issue 3 Simplify and Portrait of My Father by Cathleen Cohen

Toho Publishing (Spring /Summer 2021) The Color of Orange Jen Schneider and Cathleen Cohen

Ritualwell I Promised My Rabbi by Cathleen Cohen

ONE ART After a Mass Shooting by Cathleen Cohen

Global Poemic Safe Distance by Cathleen Cohen

Beir Bua Journal Mural by Cathleen Cohen (p.39)

Bindweed Magazine Two Poems — Invasive and Like Nightflowers — by Cathleen Poem

Cagibi Literary Journal Map by Cathleen Cohen
North of Oxford – The Pandemic Issue #2 Three Poems — Pandemic Week Four, Measures, and Between Us — by Cathleen Cohen
ONE ART Plein Air by Cathleen Cohen
Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal (Project Muse) Brotherless Pesach by Cathleen Cohen
Ritualwell The Radiance Between Us by Cathleen Cohen
Rockvale Review Two Poems — As Art and Full Weight — by Cathleen Cohen
Rogue Agent Journal You Could Ask by Cathleen Cohen